You're traveling to another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a land whose boundaries are that of imagination. Your next stop, Vampirella and Red Sonja in Riverdale... 1973!
Overall, the whole issue feels like an innovative candy or a song that you're gonna love to repeat, and that's probably gonna be even more satisfactory if you love Archie nostalgia combined with the playful impudence this run exudes. It's surely a wild ride to the past, and it gives us a completely different take on the interaction between these characters that seems plausible, fun, and defining of them. Read Full Review
As much fun as I had with this issue overall I kind wish they had just done a skip month instead since it takes us out of the overall path and progress – and design – of the series so far. It's not bad at all, it's just not something that adds much to what's going on here and is a chance to play fast and loose with some silliness. Which we all need, thus not really coming down hard on it because I did enjoy it. But it'll be mostly forgettable outside of that moment where you see Sonja prepping to go up against American soldiers in Vietnam. Read Full Review