Something has been stalking Steve Austin. Something BIG. The moment Bionic Man fans have been clamoring for finally arrives with the introduction of Bigfoot into the hit series. His origins are unknown, but whatever this mysterious creature may be, Steve Austin has something it wants... and it will kill to get it.
This comes to its height near the end. Steve Austin is a character who is often seen as ‘unbeatable' due to his bionic enhancements. Needless to say, the confrontation with Big Foot doesn't exactly go to plan. Bionic Man #12 doesn't end on a high note, and will definitely leave fans waiting for the next issue. Read Full Review
While still a bit of a let down in terms of art and writing when compared to first arc I still have high hopes that this book could be a long lasting one and look forward to reading what's in store for Steve Austin. Read Full Review