Turok #5

Writer: Ron Marz Artist: Roberto Castro Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: September 4, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3
7.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

All secrets are revealed as Turok faces the ultimate truth of the Lost Valley, and his place in it, when he is confronted by a seemingly endless array ... of Turoks! Will the revelations be enough to return Turok and Andar to their home? Or will the brothers be forever marooned in a land of hungry dinosaurs? Writer Ron Marz and artist Roberto Castro continue to deliver prehistoric perfection!

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Sep 4, 2019

    Oh, how I long for the day for characters like these to be able to sustain an ongoing in some form as opposed to the regular miniseries approach with the constant reinvention of the wheel. Ron Marz brings us a rushed ending here to wrap things up and it hits all the right points and executes it well. I just wish it had more space to tell the story so that it felt less like hitting the marks and more like telling the tale. Hopefully, another Turok series is on the horizon somewhere to explore but this one had a good run overall in what it wanted to deal with and reinforce the whole multiverse of possibilities for the characters so that the creative side can tell whatever kind of story they want without worrying about continuity. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Comic Watch - Nicolas Duncan Sep 21, 2019

    Overall, I really enjoyed Turok #5. We learn that Turok uses the power of The Stone to send everyone home, but realizes his responsibility and must stay in the Lost Valley for good. His loyal brother makes the decision to stay as well. Marz leaves an open ending for the classic dinosaur hunters of the past or maybe, just maybe a possibility to Turoks return in a new ongoing series! Time will tell. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Word Of The Nerd - Brent Jackson Sep 4, 2019

    For the most part, I had been enjoying this Turok series for someone who didn't know much about the property it was an interesting look into the character. Turok #5 just felt rushed to fit everything in and wrap up the series. The ending was okay and actually had me more excited about what stories could come from that than the actual issue itself. The art sadly is just boring and uninspired. While it is not terrible art it could have brought the book up a few pegs by being better. Read Full Review

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