The Martian Confederacy #1
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The Martian Confederacy #1

Writer: Jason McNamara Artist: Paige Braddock Publisher: Girl Twirl Comics Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
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  • 8.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Aug 13, 2008

    In a brief forward, Braddock writes that this project had its origins in her wish to tell a story combining two elements: Mars and The Dukes of Hazzard. I don't think the latter pop-culture reference is really all that prevalent here. Instead, I see more of a Star Wars influence at play. Boone fulfills the role of the rogue perfectly. He's Han Solo, only sluttier and wittier. There's a free-spirited sexuality that plays underneath the main story from start to finish, and not solely with Boone's character. It doesn't feel gratuitous at all. Instead, there's a carefree, joyous quality to the sexier side of the characters. That's in keeping with the irreverent tone throughout the book and the ultimately optimistic ending. McNamara and Braddock offer up feel-good sci-fi, and that's unique enough to warrant a look. Read Full Review

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