From legendary creator Grant Morrison (All-Star Superman, Batman & Robin, The Invisibles), comes the first chapter in his newest creation. 18 Days is the story of three generations of super-warriors, meeting for the final battle of their age, a climactic war that concludes the age of the gods and begins the age of man. "This is not a Lord of the Rings or a Star Wars where the good guys win because they are right. The good guys in 18 Days are forced to cheat and lie and break rules to win. Although it has fantastic, mythic trappings, this is a very modern story of realpolitik and the failure of ideals in the face of harsh truth." - Grant Morrimore
Overall, I'd say 18 Days is starting off extremely well. Issue one serves as a good starting point to anyone's research in Eastern philosophy. If not for that, it's all in all a really great story, being retold in a fun and interesting way. Morrison and Kang work so much in sync; this is one of the best books I've come across in a while, with a fantastic story and breathtaking artwork. For your own good, be sure to pick this up! Read Full Review
"18 Days" could very well turn into an epic. This issue really sets up why the two sides are fighting and the moments before the battle begins. Priced at a dollar this comic book is a no-brainer for everyone. The Grant Morrison fans might feel disappointed as this is more of Morrison re-telling a story instead of really putting his stamp on it. This is a recommended comic book. Read Full Review
"Grant Morrison's 18 Days" #1 is fun, informative, and the best deal of the year at only one dollar. Read Full Review