Weapons Of The Metabaron OGN
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Weapons Of The Metabaron OGN

Writer: Alejandro Jodorowsky Artist: Zoran Janjetov Publisher: Humanoids Publishing Release Date: May 31, 2023 Cover Price: $29.99 Critic Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
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The creative trio of Jodorowsky, Charest, and Janjetov bring us a tale of how No Name, the most ruthless mercenary in the Caste of the Metabarons, assembled the galaxy's most powerful and destructive weapons in an effort to secure his position as the universe's ultimate warrior.

This limited edition collects the entire story in Deluxe Oversized format for the first time ever, allowing a closer look at the iconic, cinematic art styles of both Travis Charest and Zoran Janjetov. This edition is limited to its first printing.

  • 10
    COMICON - Anton Kromoff May 31, 2023

    Weapons of the Metabarons is a prime example of everything that makes The Incal Universe a brilliant landscape of multidimensional weird fiction storytelling. The creative trip of Jodorowsky, Janjetov, and Charest weaves a story that transcends all eight dimensions and leaves you excited to have experienced the ride. Read Full Review

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