Angel: After the Fall #3

Writer: Brian Lynch Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: January 16, 2008 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
7.6Critic Rating
5.0User Rating

  • 8.1
    IGN - Kevin Fuller Jan 16, 2008

    The art is still very hit or miss this issue. Franco Urru's main strength would be his drawing the various demons Angel & Co. run across. Each is unique and menacing in their own ways, but the human (and human-ish) characters are a little less even. The faces and such actually look pretty, but lose a lot of detailing and resemblance with added distance. Also, I keep thinking Connor is a girl. Even with the uneven art, this is still developing into a solid series. Longtime Angel fans will be especially interested in learning more about the huge plot point at the end. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Matthew McLean Jan 17, 2008

    The rest of the book is dedicated to keeping the larger plot moving along, with Angel attempting to figure out how to get out of the trouble he's brought himself by killing the sun of a Hell lord. This culminates in a reveal at the end of issue #3 that will certainly set tongues wagging. While it seems a bit incongruous with certain aspects of the opening (how did his hands heal so quickly?) seeing how all of it comes together should be a good read. Read Full Review

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