Overall, a fantastic issue. The battles are a lot of fun, and the story moves along nicely. Lucy has an adequate amount of page-time, and hopefully she gets to shine in the next issue. It's great that Rulers of Earth will be continuing. After watching the new movie it's hard to think of something better to pick up. Read Full Review
But besides my main gripe being the retailer exclusive, Godzilla Rulers of Earth #12 comes highly recommended not only to fans of Godzilla. But also is recommended for any comic book fan. Read Full Review
For having to contend with a license character and all the restraints the parent company must impart, Chris Mowry delivered a storyline that allowed Godzilla to wreck and rumble. Sure, there were no major casualties because no kaiju can be *defeated* (killed). Nevertheless, he showed his knowledge of the subject matter and his ability to weave an arc that felt genuinely Godzilla. Read Full Review
“Godzilla: Rulers of ESarth #12″ is the next offering of giant monsters from giant IDW, under the watchful writing of Chris Mowry and Matt Frank. Mowry writes a fun, exciting story and Frank draws it with gusto, but it could have used a little more depth. Read Full Review
Overall, this was still an enjoyable story, but it feels like this title could be so much more. I know I'm in the minority on that opinion, but I'm also not the typical reader for this book. Let's hope that more people who come into comic shops after that awesome Godzilla movie from two weeks ago (which I liked much more than my esteemed colleague, David Brooke) find the next arc a bit easier to jump aboard. Read Full Review