With Valentine's Day fast approaching, Preston High is feeling the love! When Pedro decides to ask out the girl he likes, Napoleon convinces his friend he'll need to up his "cool factor" first-and Napoleon's schemes never go quite as planned!
Will this Valentine's Day end in broken hearts? We don't know, stop asking, gosh!
It remains to be seen if Napoleon Dynamite is a viable comic book property. This special may be the most effective use of the property, a one-shot removes the need for complex cliff-hangers, conflicts or extended dialogue. Megan Brown and Christine Larsen create a entertaining, interesting and surprisingly thought-provoking piece on the mistakes characters we love might make on Valentine's Day, and the heart it takes for relationships to turn those small mistakes into small victories. Read Full Review
It's fun to see the characters from the movie appear in a comic book, but both the story and the artwork leave a lot to be desired. Read Full Review