Next Men #8

Writer: John Byrne Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: August 3, 2011 Critic Reviews: 2
8.2Critic Rating
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  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jan 19, 2012

    I love time travel and all the complications that comes with it, and that's definitely an element to the series at this stage with what Gil wants to do. Gil's story is endlessly fascinating and it's something that you'd like to see expanded in a lot of ways with its own book or couple of thick books to really show what it's like to live that way for all those years. Next Men is just short of ending this particular run and while it does have a bit of a rushed feeling to it, I loved that Byrne took a whole issue to focus on Gillian and her slow but steady travel through time to where she is now and how she intends to right things that have gone on. This issue took a couple of pages before things really came together, but it's the kind that has a lot of re-reading value, much like the whole series does. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Aug 4, 2011

    Next Men #8Posted: Thursday, August 4, 2011By: Shawn Hill John ByrneJohn Byrne, Ronda Pattison (c), Neil Uyetake (l)IDW I did not realize until I went back and checked (did you know that the most collectible issue of Next Men volume 1, by the way, is #21, which features the debut of Hellboy?), but Byrne has picked up this comic exactly where the first series left off. I mean exactly. All that has happened in these 8 issues thus far is what he was planning back then, so, for long-term readers, we're getting a full story that just happens to have a 17-year-long blip in the middle. Will someone someday come along and fill in those issues that would have been, just as Byrne himself once attempted with X-Men: The Hidden Years? No need, I suppose, because his plotting is air-tight. And the art is just as good. Read Full Review

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