Pandemica #3

Writer: Jonathan Maberry Artist: Alex Sanchez Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: January 1, 2020 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

"Subterranean Homesick Blues." The Pandemica Team is losing the war against the ARK madmen who want to "purify" humanity of ethnic taints. Agent De'Neesa fights her way through SpecOps killers and radical mutations to bring the infected child to the Lighthouse, a mobile research lab ready to begin work on a cure. If she can get there.

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Robert Mammone Jan 5, 2020

    Pandemica #3 isn't an easy read. The racism on display, the grossness of the effects of the epidemics and the violence all add up to a terrible indictment on humanity. Some might think that the apocalypse unleashed by the racists is a deserving punishment for the vanity of humans and their ongoing ability to plumb the depths of depravity. There is a glimmer of hope at the end of the issue, but if Maberry's previous work is any guide, it'll get pitch black before there's any chance of redemption. Read Full Review

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