The smash-hit videogame and toy sensation, Skylanders, makes its comic book debut this fall! This all-new series will focus on fan-favorite characters and features stories tying directly into the videogames that cannot be found anywhere else!
IDW's Skylanders comic is a worthy addition to the growing line of comics geared towards kids. And more impressively, even though it's an off-shoot of a very successful toy/game line, it doesn't feel as such. If you're a long time fan of Skylanders, or totally new to it all, Skylanders is simply fun. This is an absolute buy for fans of the serious, or those looking for a fun comic to give their kids. Read Full Review
The writing is subpar and attempts to beat the reader over the head with its comedy in both “Forgetting Flynn” and “The Secret Origin of Trigger Happy”. Fortunately, the artwork of Mike Bowden and David Balden are able to salvage the book and viewed away from the writing are pretty comical. Read Full Review