Spike: After the Fall #2

Writer: Brian Lynch Artist: Franco Urru Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: August 6, 2008 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
6.8Critic Rating
4.0User Rating

  • 7.4
    IGN - Eric Sunde Aug 6, 2008

    Franco Urru's art shines when handling dragons and other mystical beasts, and this issue is no exception. I am also happy to report that I enjoyed his work more on this series than on his more recent issues of Angel, perhaps due to the more focused cast and less chaotic events Spike: After the Fall boasts. I really want to like this storyline more, but whether it is fair or not, I find myself comparing the Angel/Spike books to Buffy: Season Eight, and they simply pale in comparison at this point. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Ben Berger Aug 6, 2008

    Though prior experience with Spike and his world are a plus, issue two is better than issue one. Lynch does a good job of keeping things interesting with great little moments, even though it can be confusing at times. I just wish we could get a flashback or something to bridge the gap between the show and the comic for those of us who haven't been following it. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Dykema Aug 14, 2008

    The story shines pretty well too. Was it necessary? Perhaps not. So far, were finding out little nuggets of what happened to Spike after Los Angeles went to hell. Literally. Basically, it has to do with Spike watching over a conclave of humans who look to him for protection from the horrors all around them that they do not, and cannot, understand. Some of this has already been covered in the mother title, so why bother to do it again? Maybe because its an interesting story. Maybe because it reveals more about Spikes character. Its all hard to say, since were only two issues in. The main thrust is that Im planning on buying issue #3, and so forth, until this is done. Read Full Review

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