Experience the excitement and thrill of the epic Star Wars movies in this young-reader friendly adaptation of Episode II! In the midst of galactic unrest from the growing Seperatist movement, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, are dispatched to protect Senator Padmé Amidala after a failed attempt on her life. What follows is a mission stretching to the farthest corners of the Outer Rim. Master and apprentice will discover a plot that threatens the entire Republic and see their loyalties—to the Jedi and each other—tested like never before. Can Anakin protect those he loves, and can Obi-Wan prevent the outbreak omore
Overall, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Graphic Novel Adaptation is a great adaptation that captures the best part of this film classic. The story and adaptation by Ferrari is excellent. The art by the creative team is beautiful. Altogether, this story is exactly why Star Wars fan love the franchise, because at the end, heart is all that matters. Read Full Review