DEATH OF A HERO! BUMBLEBEE! RODIMUS! ULTRA MAGNUS! PROWL! One will fall in final battle with SHOCKWAVE! This one is for all the marbles, folks-it just doesn't get any bigger than this!
Dark Cybertron is, undoubtedly, the best Transformers event to date, so long as this current creative team stick around I think we can be safe to assume that the quality will be sticking too. By giving us closure on every dangling pre-Chaos plot thread it allows even more bold and daring storys to be told " and that is something that IDWs TF books have been completely excelling at. Read Full Review
In the end, Transformers: Robots in Disguise #27 is only a solid issue, despite its high points. That said, what it does brilliantly is set up for the final chapter of "Dark Cybertron." Especially after the long and unsteady road this crossover has run, it's pretty amazing how excited I am to see how it will end. I expect you will be too. Read Full Review
All in all, it's still Dark Cybertron, but it's an improvement. With only one more to go, it's almost bearable. Read Full Review