Weird Love #2

Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: July 2, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3
6.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The first issue of WEIRD Love was a blazing buzz book-the hot gossipy talk of comic fans! Now, right on the heels-the HIGH heels-of that controversial comic is the second stupifying issue of 1950s and beyond kinky classics. WEIRD Love #2 leads off with a tawdry, torrid tale, "Yes, I was an Escort Girl!" with a vintage salacious cover to match! Five more bizarro stories luridly illustrated with Good Girl Art follow, including, "Mini-skirts Must Go!" and "Too Fat for Love!" WEIRD Love has been called "by far the most jaw-dropping and entertaining comic today!" Order this and you will see why fanboys and fangirls!

  • 7.5
    We The Nerdy - Kristina Poffenroth Jul 2, 2014

    All of the stories are intended to seem absurd and the humor in these issues is supposed to lie in the fact that things have changed so much since then. I certainly got some chuckles out of some of the dialogue, especially in the third story Slave to Despair, about a stand-up girl who is lured into the dangerous world of narcotics use and ends up in an institution. Bosco Plays Matchmaker is definitely a stand-out. Bosco is a bear in the Brooklyn Zoo and he brings two lonely New Yorkers together, despite their initial distaste for each other. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Jul 17, 2014

    Weird Love is a time capsule of a different era. On the positive side it's re-presenting stories from romance comics of the past that are very hard to find and would cost a small fortune to acquire. It's a view into some very different times and while the stories cannot be held up against most comics we read today on a sheer quality level, they are quite fascinating to read as a window into the kind of material that was being shoveled into the heads of young girls in the past. I like today better where females are standing right next to me browsing through Saga, American Vampire, Lazarus, Rat Queens, Stumptown, The Woods, and many other great comics that just tell great stories to us all. But Weird Love is definitely worth picking up. It's bad, but in the grand tradition of bad movies that we watch to groan at, it's so bad it's kind of good. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Big Comic Page - Garry Mac Jul 3, 2014

    Read it ironically or as an excavation of comic history, but don't expect nuance or subtlety. Read Full Review

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