Butcher Baker: The Righteous Maker #2

Writer: Joe Casey Artist: Mike Huddleston Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: April 13, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4
7.6Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Fact: If you're not reading this comicbook, you're missing the most twisted American hero epic of the 21st Century!

Contained within: Willard's near miss! The mystery of the Absolutely! White Lightning's rage! The infamous Choke N' Puke! Jihad Jones' sinister ambition!

Never has so much been crammed into one comicbook - and it's only issue #2!!!

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Apr 12, 2011

    Even though Butcher Baker is absent for half of this issue, you are still well satisfied. If you bought in to this title for the wickedly zany then you're still getting a heaping served right here. Casey and Huddleston make this comic like it's a cancer they must excise, or a life they must birth. Or both. It's not a book that sets out to offend, it's more than that, and it certainly entertains though it might just enlighten along its path as well. Enlighten our lives with [REDACTED] jokes and big old fleshy panels of [REDACTED]. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Apr 13, 2011

    Joe Casey has never been one to shy away from the strange and absurd. Butcher Baker, the Righteous Maker is very much in line with what I expect out of the veteran scribe, and I'm on board the crazy train as long as the laughs keep coming. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Apr 16, 2011

    Hey look! There is an actual story under all that shocking stuff from issue #1. It isn't a hugely deep story so far, but there is something there. The big attraction to this issue is Mike Huddleston's art because this issue looks like nothing else on the shelves right now. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    ComicBuzz - Adam Messinger May 18, 2011

    Its too obvious how hard Butcher Baker tries to ensure that its an NC-17 book. There might be an f-bomb on every page of both issues, to the point where characters start to sound the similar. The impact of their words is lost. Its thoughtless and takes away from the story instead of adding to it, making mature content very immature. The one piece of vulgarity that I thought they did use effectively was nudity. They were able to present sexual situations without going for shock value.If you like Casey's other books like Godland, Charlatan's Ball, and Officer Downe then youll probably enjoy Butcher Baker, Righteous Maker.If you don't have an iron stomach for the vulgarity, then you will want to pass. I know I will finish the remainder of this storyline because I find Butcher Baker a highly entertaining character. However, if the strength of the supporting characters doesn't improve, I don't see myself reading beyond that. Read Full Review

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