In reference to the artwork, this represents an excellent collaboration between Heebink and Manley, giving life to this strange world full of monsters through the action sequences and the doom-and-gloom images that pervade everything. Also, it doesnt hurt that this new printing has been colored by Nick Filardi, who adds even more vividness and welcome contrast to the story. I could be mistaken, but many of the drawings and character expressions resembled images I have seen in the old EC horror comics such as Tales from the Crypt. Again, could Team Doll and Creature be so deft with their material that they would draw another 1950s comparison by styling their comic book after those classic EC tales? I dont know, but it seems to me that these stylistic choices cant be some kind of coincidence or accident. This is quality work that should be more prevalent in the comic book medium. In execution, Doll and Creature reminds me of another great modern horror comic, The Goon. Both tit Read Full Review