Existence 3.0 #4
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Existence 3.0 #4

Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: June 2, 2010 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The explosive, twist-filled finale to one of the best-reviewed series of the year! Jenny, Marko, and Helen are trapped, backs to the wall as their assorted enemies come in for the kill. But Jenny has a plan of her own, and the shocking revelation it brings will take everyone by surprise! TAG: CONCLUDING WHAT COMIC BOOK RESOURCES CALLS A 'FAST-PACED, COMPLEX, INTRICATE SERIES... ACTION PACKED!' RETAILER WARNING: MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR ALL AGES

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jun 5, 2010

    Existence throws virtually everything but the kitchen sink at you in this issue. Characters seem to die and don't. Characters switch allegiances and then double cross back. There are explosions and sword fights and plenty of other action. It all adds up to a very entertaining read. I enjoyed the comic book a lot and if you are looking for something in the crime-science fiction-drama-strange category then this is something to check out. Read Full Review

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