Madman: Atomic Comics #6

Writer: Michael Allred Artist: Mike Allred Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: January 30, 2008 Critic Reviews: 2
5.0Critic Rating
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Frank "Madman" Einstein and the Atomics have ganged up in an all out effort to save the Universe. But it will come at a tragic personal cost. Lives will be lost. And there will be no turning back, no reprieves, no sneaky tricks. Death comes calling for keeps! But for who? Who?!!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Feb 4, 2008

    Luna the It Girl benefits immensely from this story. Her mind-meld with Frank heightens her already above average intelligence and gives her greater poise suitable for a super-hero. Laura Allred's colors wash pastels all over the story and make this such an attractive comic book. Even if you didn't care to read the book or felt inclined to care about the characters, you would still be enticed by these soft, complimentary hues. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Matthew J. Brady Feb 7, 2008

    I dunno, maybe Allred just lost interest in the cosmic space story and decided to rush through it in order to get his characters back to Earth. Thats what Im hoping, anyway. The alternative means more pretty pictures but less sense, and thats a combination that will soon drive me away from the book. And if even loyal Allred followers like me are gone, that probably wont leave anybody else. Read Full Review

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