Calax leads Team Swift to a potential new source of Crush as Domino's past races back to haunt her.
Motor Crush #8 has its hook and twist by reading like a relationship-focused side-mission issue, a heist to stoke the flames of love under the guise of keeping Domino fueled with crush, but leading to an important discovery toward the end. Can't spoil the mystery here, but it pulls the story in a great direction. Overall, another quintessential issue of Crush that weaves heart, action, and mystery into one of our favorite comics on the shelf. Read Full Review
'Motor Crush' #8 is a welcoming new chapter in the series that makes it accessible for new readers to jump on. The time warp and new dangers downsize the cast members with a more intimate and focused approach with exciting new potential. It's a fun read but buy it to see Tarr's amazing art. Read Full Review
Motor Crush #8 is a nice set up issue that digs deeper into the mystery behind Crush. Read Full Review
Motor Crush #8 starts off strong and returns to form at the end, but nearly crashes and burns in the middle. Read Full Review