Powers #29

Publisher: Image Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
2.0Critic Rating
10User Rating

  • 2.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jul 25, 2008

    Fade to black... This is the issue we've been building up to for months, the big reveal, the capper of the "Deena gone rogue" storyline, and while I like how it went, I'm troubled. The reveal that Calista was just messing with her "kidnappers" was wonderful, and I enjoyed the interplay between Christian and Pilgrim (ooh, never noticed that parallel before) but I'm afraid that Deena's redemption will immediately lead to her returning to the force. Yes, I know that has nothing to do with this issue, but this issue doesn't really have much to complain about. Michael Avon Oeming (how the hell do you pronounce that, anyway?) does his regular sizzling job on art, and Bendis nails both plot and dialogue spot-on, with nice moments for everybody, and a big "F You" to the I.A. jerk who has been a minor villain in the book for months. This is the climax of a loooong chunk of story, dating back to before series II started at Icon, I think, and as such, it's very satisfying. Powers #29 Read Full Review

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