Count it on one hand: Horse and buggy hot pursuits, mysterious corpses, fist-fighting a homophobe, crack-smoking in an alleyway, Metal Gear subterfuge, and famous serial killers-Fenton and Geller will disobey orders from the top brass to stay in the mix and prove everyone wrong.
Even in the future, characters seem to be fighting the same fights of 2024 with the same language and, no matter how much swearing and fecal gags are added, it's not terribly amusing. Read Full Review
All its shortcomings aside, Rifters DOES look really, really good on the page. Englerts colors provide decent depth and texture. Johnson has a clear distinction between settings in what looks like really well-researched renderings of a few different eras that all come together in a visually enjoyable story that is this tedious. Not since Lee and Kirby or Lee and Ditko or...really Stan Lee and ANYONE has there been dialogue this bad matched-up with art thats this good. Its kind of weird, really. Read Full Review