"SHOOT," Part One
The critically acclaimed ensemble drama interweaving the bombastic world of professional wrestling, the lives of those broken by it, and the gritty underworld cashing in on their demise returns for its third act. Retired veteran wrestler Daniel Knossos has seemingly turned against the one person he's ever loved. Up-and-coming wrestler Reynolds loses everything before he ever had it. And just when everything seems to be at its worst, the Minotaur returns.
This book initially came off as a book for wrestling fans. But as the issues wore on it has become more of a straight crime book. There're still wrestling sub-plots but they're more subdued. This is a story of heartbreak and hardships. This is a story of what happens when your dreams don't come true. This is a story of life and how hard that shit can be at times. Read Full Review
"Ringside" starts to get real, but stays true to its aesthetic sensibilities as it probes the lives of these broken icons or would be icons. Read Full Review