Severed #1
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Severed #1

Writer: Scott Snyder, Scott Tuft Artist: Attila Futaki Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: August 3, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 4
7.9Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

'NOTHING WASTED,' Part One 1916. A man haunts the roads; a man with sharp teeth and a hunger for flesh. When 12-year-old Jack Garron runs away from home, he'll see how quickly the American Dream becomes a nightmare. Be there at the beginning of the series that everyone will be talking about! From Eisner-nominated writer SCOTT SNYDER (American Vampire, Detective Comics), SCOTT TUFT and ATTILA FUTAKI (NYT Best-Selling-Artist: Percy Jackson) comes the most terrifying horror series of 2011--SEVERED.

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - DS Arsenault Aug 2, 2011

    This was a very strong book on my first read, and my puzzling to write this review revealed more layers than I expected. You should totally go buy this book. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Andrenn Oct 1, 2012

    Bringing it back to my opening, Severed is one of the most terrifying comic book experiences you can get. The world that Scott Snyder and Scott Tuft build feels very grounded in a real world America in the early 1900's and they add just one small twist of the impossible to make it scary. The Salesman even feels and acts like a real person through most of the story, making him even scarier when he shows his true self. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Aug 2, 2011

    Attila Futaki’s art is what ties up this little package. Doing period anything - horror, war, high seas adventure - works only if the art kicks ass. With Severed, Futaki attacks it as if he was the dark and weird cousin of Norman Rockwell. The pages are atmospheric and tranquil, but there’s a darkness to them that bubbles just under the surface. Futaki’s earth tone color palette helps give Severed a more realistic vibe. He’s painting a lighter era of American history but making sure we know that darkness is there. The story possibilities with Severed are endless, especially with Jack being an old man when we meet him. If Severed #1 is any indication, Snyder, Tuft and Futaki could bring to comic books a series that would make Poe or Lovecraft proud. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Miguel Perez Aug 3, 2011

    Severed scratches an itch for horror that I didn't realize I had. It's a different kind of scare than what Snyder fans are used to, but it's definitely an issue that sticks with you long after reading. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Aug 19, 2011

    Thankfully, joining the writers Scott is artist Attila Futari whose attention to detail leaves a lot of opportunity for the eye to wander around the page. Futari's work is very natural and European in sensibility, giving both the 1910′s and the 1950′s prologue a tangible setting that his characters don't just inhabit but live and breathe in. The earthen color palette Futari works with estalishes a crisp fall atmosphere that leaves the book with a damp bite turning to a full-on chill with an early snowfall. That mood the writers Scott build with their story is perfectly complimented in the art. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Aug 5, 2011

    Creator-owned series allow writers to go wherever they want. We know from past works by Scott Snyder that he has no problems delving into dark territories. Severed is set to be a dark story that you know can't end well. Unfortunately the first issue isn't full of suspense. That is to be expected as the first issue of a new series has the duty to set up all the characters and settings. What there is here is a lot of potential. With the creation of a seemingly real and natural world, along with the young character and early time period, the idea of something dark lurking lies ready to spring out. I purposely went into reading this comic without knowing a single bit what it was about and that adds to the thrill. Too often these days, stories can get overly predictable. With Snyder on board (along with Scott Tuft), the only thing we can predict is some intense craziness in upcoming issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Aug 7, 2011

    The biggest flaw that stands out in "Severed" #1 is the possibility to setting up too much of a horror, something that Snyder, Tuft, and Futaki can't deliver on. That opening scene grabs you right away, but it also promises something so horrifying as to warrant the reaction from the older Jack. Basically, this is a very impressive comic and it sets a high standard for the series after this point. I guess that's the nasty underbelly of a first issue that's a great read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Kiser Aug 2, 2011

    Debuting this week from Image Comics and Scott Snyder, the writer of the Eisner-winning horror-meets-history comic American Vampire, is Severed, an ongoing series set to deliver... another combination of horror and history. But rather than pigeonhole this new effort as a wanton act of self-cannibalization, its more accurate to say that it is the product of a writer who knows exactly how to play to his own strengths. And joining him is a pair of creators, Scott Tuft and Attila Futaki, that seems well poised to do the same. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Aug 6, 2011

    The first issue of Severed is a little hit and miss. The writing leaves something to be desired, while the art is absolutely gorgeous. Snyder, Tuft, and Futaki write at the back of the issue that the series is meant to be a slow burn, so I imagine that things will pick up. However, it is kind of disappointing that the first issue doesn't quite manage to stand on its own. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Aug 6, 2011

    Severed's best introduction came at the end when Snyder enumerated the genesis behind the concept. I was disappointed there wasn't more of this in the opening issue. This issue acts as a good set up issue but I'm not sure I can stick with much more of this series until it presents something more to sink my teeth into. I mildly recommend this for fans of the creators or of the horror genre. Read Full Review

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