Kate can't outrun the truth.
Luckily, there is some great writing, too. Although this issue is all exposition, it’s still a good one. Shutter is becoming a very, very successful series, with some really original and interesting aspects to it. There's a lot of really funny humor that is put in places where humor usually wouldn't be. There's brutality. There's family. There's adventure. Safe to say this issue is definitely worth a read. Read Full Review
Shutter #14 starts fast and is has a few great, humorous moments between the quick pacing. While a lot doesn't occur in its pages, it's clear that the creative team is setting the series up for a great second act. Leila Del Duca's art really elevates this title and the series never ceases to astound visually. If the final page of this issue is any indication, we should be seeing some of the craziest panels of the series next month. Read Full Review