Mini-Series Premiere. In this vibrant, tongue-in-cheek adventure series, atypical teen Avani and midwestern jock Trent teleport across a post-Cold War landscape to collect bizarre relics. Why? Well, because they need to summon the arcane powers of a resplendent 17th-century cabinet to fix a teeny-tiny mistake the last time Avani used it... unleashing an ancient evil from its prison and accidentally slaughtering her parents. Courtesy of Eisner-nominated writer Jordan Hart (Ripple Effects) and co-writer David Ebeltoft, and introducing the technicolor wizardry of artist Chiana Raimondi! Each issue features a variant interconnected more
Avani's past mistakes still haunt her, but her mother's belief that "every pencil has an eraser" drives her, in an exciting issue that sets the stakes and gives us a really beautiful visual experience. Read Full Review
The Cabinet is a subversive tale, zigging when you would bet the house on a zag. It's a genre-bending story that takes a slice-of-life comic and blends it with science fiction and high fantasy. All that to say, it's peak comics. Read Full Review
If you were raised by the glow of CRT monitors, VHS tapes and trapper keepers, then The Cabinet is a love letter to your formative years. It's evident throughout the characters' dialogue, the art style, and even in the choice of adventure. It feels like a cultural touchstone for Saved by the Bell fans looking for a magical tome in Bayside's school library. It embraces its '90s roots proudly, playing at nostalgia without being imprisoned by it. Read Full Review
What word is she trying to think of when she says “a doodad?”