The tale offers more than purely visceral twists. Faraci and Brereton place treachery in plain sight, and you find yourself wondering whether father and son will survive the betrayals and their own duties to their countrymen. Read Full Review
It's a shame the "story" isn't gangbusters because Dan Brereton has worked his ass off making this a pretty book. It isn't a bad value and if you're into Roman history or just enjoy fictional stories set in that timeframe, there will be something here for you. Also, do you know how much a 65 page, fully-painted sketchbook would usually cost? This is a chance to own a lot of lovely Brereton art for not much money (story be damned). Read Full Review
Dan Brereton's art is the obvious highlight here. The style he adopts for this book is sort of a combination to the heroic styles of Cary Nord and Bruce Timm, which fits this story perfectly. The colors are just gorgeous to look at, as well. Read Full Review