The Godfather is not pleased. Will Conrad make a clean getaway, or double down for the biggest score of his career?
All in all, this is still a strong entry in the series. Thief of Thieves #18 is a perfect example of what the title does at its best. Read Full Review
Thief of Thieves #18 is cleverly written and neatly illustrated. The Italian scenic backdrop adds a deeper sense of mystery and intrigue to the plot. The beauty of this series is that it never slacks on suspense; every issue ends on a cliffhanger that makes us wish the next issue would be released the very next day. So hop on board this week with Thief of Thieves #18 and see for yourself what the craziness is all about. Read Full Review
I'm not saying it's a perfect comic -- the secondary cast still feels light on characterization -- but it's a lot of fun. "Thief of Thieves" #18, and the series in general, is a thriller through-and-through, with nice little reveals and surprises waiting to pop up at just the right moments. With a fairly perfect sense of pacing in the writing and some great art, this is once again, a winner. Read Full Review