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Barbarossa & the Lost Corsairs #1

Publisher: Kandora Publishing Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
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  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Dale Roberts Jan 17, 2005

    During their escape, there are archers with dangerous weapons at the end of their arrows, there are explosions and there is even a guy named Lucius that is asked for assistance during this battle with his magic, that he refers to as science. When you think you saw everything, there is a pounding storm that hinders the Barbary Raiders escape with their fair maiden, then in the brewing storm is an incredible vortex. A vortex that takes them to a mystical fantasy land with 2 gorgeous islands and ships that actually fly in the air. An incredible bridge that brings both islands together can also be seen. A haunting image that will make you salivate for the next issue! Barbarossa & the Lost Corsairs is adventure on the high seas that will have you applauding for more! Read Full Review

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