In the Clear Moonlit Dusk

In the Clear Moonlit Dusk

Publisher: Kodansha Release: Jul 2021 - Jul 2024 Volumes: 7 Critic Reviews: 8
8.7 Avg. Critic Rating
N/A Avg. User Rating

Yoi Takiguchi has long legs, a deep voice, and a handsome face... in other words, Yoi is such a good-looking guy that most people don't notice or care that she is, in fact, a girl. Indeed, she's had the nickname "Prince" as long as she can remember. That is, until she met Ichimura-senpai... the only person who's really seemed to see her for herself. To her surprise, she's not sure how to handle this new relationship, especially when her newfound friend is a prince himself (and a guy prince, at that). The story of the two high school princes starts here!

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