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Jagger - Crimson Bounty #3

Publisher: Marky Comics Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
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  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Dale Roberts Apr 21, 2004

    In this issue, it's the final showdown between good guy Mark Jagger v. Xavier McGenis. There is plenty of ultra-violence and fight scenes that will make the average Streetfighter videoholic wanting more! Bad guys galore, from Shang-Hi, Xavier and Minotaur. There is a dramatic scene in which good girl Heather runs into Sara (Xavier's daughter). Sara actually admits that Xavier is not only her father, but her lover. Then if that isn't bad enough, Sara does a Madonna on Sara and kisses her right on the lips and says that she can taste her brother on Sara's lips. Yep, Heather and Xavier's son have had a rendevous or sorts. Heather is later captured and is manhandled in a provocative way. This conclusion will have you right on the edge of your seat, this one is not to be missed. Not for the kiddies! Read Full Review

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