Alpha Flight #11

Writer: Scott Lobdell Artist: Clayton Henry Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1
2.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The time-spanning epic continues! Find out what would have happened if the original Alpha Flight had become American heroes! We'll give you a hint; it rhymes with duclear folocaust!

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jan 18, 2005

    Clayton Henry's work is a bit disappointing in that he does seem to be quite fond of offering up the big panels that eat up the pages, rather than the normal-sized panels that would allow for a more involved storytelling experience. Now I'm not sure how much control the writing has over the panels per page, but the story does seem to have an inordinate dependence of the single and double page spreads, and it becomes a little disappointing when I can finished reading a comic in under five minutes. However what really gets me is that Clayton Henry's art simply isn't detailed enough to support these wide-screen visuals, as there's a bit impact moment where Canada is wiped off the map with nuclear bombs (which is a patently silly idea given our proximity to America), and the art decides the best way to sell this idea is to show a couple generic looking buildings being blown up. It should also be noted that someone really should've caught on to the fact that Snowbird's powers would make her Read Full Review

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