Amazing Fantasy #1
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Amazing Fantasy #1

Writer: Fiona Avery Artist: Mark Brooks Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1
5.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

She's fierce, she's sassy...she sticks to walls! AMAZING FANTASY #1 is where it all begins: Meet an all-new, all-different heroine! Fiona Avery (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) and Mark Brooks (MARVEL AGE SPIDER-MAN) launch a surprising series of teen-friendly adventures set in the current Marvel Universe!

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Jul 5, 2004

    So Amazing Fantasy is just about okay. There's nothing here that compels me to pick up the next issue. I don't particularly care for the characters, the plot, or the art. In fact, the only thing that interests me is how this relates to the Spider-Man mythos as presented by Straczynski, and I can find out about that connection by looking out for when other reviewers start talking about it, and flicking through that issue in the comic shop. Read Full Review

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