The seeds of discontent bear fruit in the new Initiative as several members rebel against Norman Osborn’s new regime, and one state team openly secede. But Norman and the Taskmaster don't take kindly to disobedience.
Gage and crew have utilized the setting and surroundings of Tony Stark's Initiative (although now a perverted shadow) to share background on the characters in the story while advancing the story. In a scene between Norman Osborn and the Hood, as they attempt to address a calamity, we learn of the Montana roster and then see them in action, the same with the Force of Nature (Oregon's squad.) This title has a great deal to offer any reader familiar with the Marvel Universe, but it also offers quite a bit to those readers who may not know who the U-Foes are or what Penance's former ID was. Knowledge of this deepens the read, but ignorance of same will not impede anyone's ability to enjoy this book. Read Full Review
The little characters bits work better than the overallstory (Butterball's newfound famebrings a smile)but I'm still finding this book too scattered to be really enjoyable. Read Full Review