Avengers: The Initiative #7

Writer: Dan Slott Artist: Stefano Caselli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 14, 2007 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
7.2Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

When the Vulturians make off with some of the government's most classified secrets, it's up to the Scarlet Spiders to take them down before they can pass them off to a foreign power. Plus, one of the Spider's identities will be revealed!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Nov 16, 2007

    Overall, this is the most important comic book of the week. This comic is a must have for Spider-Man fans as well as a good place for new readers to say what is going on with Avengers: Initiative? and pick up the first 6 issues for a great story. I really enjoyed this issue, the major plot developments in here are crucial to Spider-Man, the direction of One More Day and the Marvel U as a whole. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    IGN - Bryan Joel Nov 14, 2007

    That's not to say this isn't enjoyable, because it is, in its way. But like last issue, I struggle to see the point, and I get an overwhelming sense that this book needs to be corralled and streamlined because it's dangerously overloaded. At the very least, it makes an argument for the existence of a third Avengers title, but I don't agree with the popular opinion that it's the best of the lot. Still, there's definitely promise. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Nov 14, 2007

    As for the rest of the issue, the Scarlet Spiders are revealed as MVP clones? Scarlet Spider. Clone. Oh Marvel, you sly dog. Will you never learn? I don't think Clor was exactly well received and you let the name Scarlet Spider be associated with clones again? I personally don't care as I liked most of the Clone Saga (most, not all), but I hope Slott and Marvel have this planned out very carefully. I can see this ending badly. Read Full Review

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