Cable & Deadpool #12

Writer: Fabian Nicieza Artist: Patrick Zircher Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 16, 2005 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 3
8.0Critic Rating
6.7User Rating

THE BURNT OFFERING CONCLUSION Can T-Bolts guest-star, the Fixer, fix Cable? Can Cable fix himself without killing the Six Pack? And, can Deadpool kick the living #%$& out of Agent X and save all of them?!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 1, 2005

    Patrick Zircher is a great artist, and I couldn't be more pleased that he looks to be this book's regular artist, as he brings a level of detail to the title that can't help but leave one impressed. He's also a fine artist when it comes to the delivery of the book's action sequences, as there are some lovely impact shots during Deadpool's battle with Agent X, from the scene where they both slam into the car, to the scene where Deadpool emerges as the winner, and takes out his sword to finish the job. I also loved the scene that were set inside Cable's mind, as how can one not smile at the little details, like that collection of tea pots, or Domino's amusing reaction shot when Cable tells her that if he dies, they'll die as well? There's also a wealth of cute little background gags, such as bit where we see the end result of Deadpools efforts with the Constrictor's coils. Cable's new look is also pretty impressive, as it has a more hi-tech look about it. Read Full Review

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