Steve Rogers finds himself on the streets of Tokyo with no memory of where he has been for the last year. Before he can get his bearings, Captain America is called into action to stop a group of terrorists who are protesting the Americanization of Japanese culture.
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Well, first off this is the first comic series that I have gotten into so my opinions may be different from someone who has been reading comics for years, so forgive me if I get excited about twists that have happened thousands of times before in other comics.
So this begins in japan and apparently, Captain America has been assumed dead for over a year. It starts off with a group named Strikeforce Ukiyoe, and they have the belief that Japan has been corrupted by westernization. The villain Lady Deathstrike is extremely boring and pretty standard. She never felt like a real threat and she doesn't get enough development. This first issue I feel isn't good at showing how good this series gets. I think the ending is pretty good and the ac more