Captain America #5

Writer: John Ney Rieber Artist: John Cassaday Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 2
6.0Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

More terrorists make themselves known to try to take down the Sentinel of Liberty. Can Cap take down an entire squad of killers by himself?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 15, 2002

    It's a bit difficult to know what to make of this book, as there are sections of the issue when the writing is truly inspired, and the art of John Cassaday is absolutely gorgeous. On the other side of the equation though I do have my doubts about this title, as this opening story is far more interested in presenting ideals, and casting Captain America as the only white hat in a sea of compromised morals, and outright fanaticism. Now there's nothing particularly wrong with this take on the character, and as I mentioned above there are moments in this issue where John Ney Rieber delivers a wonderful Captain America (e.g. his conversation with the remaining terrorist). However, it's a bit difficult to get too excited by a story where the threats are dismissed with such ease, and when Captain America's the only character who seems to be allowed to present his ideas. I mean if nothing else let Nick Fury defend himself. Read Full Review

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