Carnage USA #4

Writer: Zeb Wells Artist: Clayton Crain Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 21, 2012 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
7.2Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

  • 9.4
    Outer Realm Comics - Charles Joy Mar 19, 2012

    This story just keeps getting better. Maybe it is how hopeless everything seems, even when faced with some of the best and brightest super-heroes (or at least anti-heroes). In this, as expected from the teaser in the last issue we see what happens when the parent of carnage is introduced into the chaos - the answer - not much for cause, but quite a bit for the story. Flash's introduction into the story fit perfectly, and really makes me want to read Secret Avengers #23 and continue to read his ongoing series. The symbiote story-lines have so much potential. This is obviously recognized by Marvel, as two of their best books are this mini and the ongoing Venom series, which just finished a mini-event with quite a bit of Marvel Universe cross-over action. I will be sad to see this mini-series end, but I am positive it will be a fitting conclusion to this fantastic series! Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Jim Middleton Mar 21, 2012

    I really wanted to see this mini work. While it's far from bad, it is no where near to living up to its potential. Carnage, USA #4 is a disappointment. Read Full Review

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