Civil War: Front Line #10

Event\Storyline: Civil War Writer: Paul Jenkins Artist: Ramn F. Bachs, Steve Lieber Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 3, 2007 Critic Reviews: 1
5.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Robbie Baldwin is Speedball no more! To cope with the trauma of the Stamford disaster, Baldwin decides to become a new type of hero. Enter Penance!

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Jan 11, 2007

    Although flawed, this issue of Front Line is still an improvement over much of the rest of the series, but that's damning the issue with faint praise. Those who have followed the book this far are unlikely to give up on it now, and there might still be an opportunity for Paul Jenkins to pull something out of the bag to redeem the book in the final issue, but right now it's looking like yet another example of a crossover tie-in book which exists to move playing pieces around without actually standing as a good enough story in its own right. The success of Penance will rest on how he is used in Thunderbolts, and the importance of Urich and Floyd's revelation will likely remain only a footnote in Mark Millar's greater Civil War story. There's nothing here to really mark it out as essential reading, and with reader enthusiasm for the big crossover event reflected in the core book's falling sales figures, Front Line is unlikely to go down as a particularly memorable series, and that's a Read Full Review

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