Daredevil: Father #2

Writer: Joe Quesada Artist: Joe Quesada Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
5.5Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Sep 13, 2005

    I dont want to nitpick. Quesada is starting a fine story that involves secrets from Matt Murdocks past. It also has a character with ovarian cancer. My mother died from that in 1995. Id never heard of it before, and I applaud Quesada for giving it some public attention. There is so much to like about this comic, that its sad there are these three major problems to distract me. If the next issue has a better cover, and doesnt recycle anymore art, Ill give it . Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Sep 19, 2005

    Daredevil fans would be forgiven for feeling some disappointment with this miniseries so far, as after being treated to a great DD mini in the shape of Gaydos and Hines Daredevil: Redemption, this pales in comparison. It feels like Quesada is writing Father from an artists standpoint, as its clear that for all his pretty visuals, theres a deficiency in storytelling which cant be remedied by a well-drawn splash page or a striking, stylized cover image. Unless Quesada can tie the myriad story strands into some kind of satisfying overall picture, this is going to come off as little more than an unfocused and slow-moving showcase for his artwork. A shame, as theres definitely room on DDs world for a miniseries which adopts a more straightforward and traditional superhero tone to that of his current core title. Read Full Review

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