Daredevil: Father #4

Writer: Joe Quesada Artist: Joe Quesada, Richard Isanove Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 2
8.0Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Nov 30, 2005

    Whilst this series still isnt a complete home run when taken as a whole, I like the fact that the story strands seem to be gradually coming together and providing at least some potential for a satisfying payoff, even if there are some strands which seem frustratingly unaddressed since issue one when others have been overplayed in quite a repetitive manner. Quesada acknowledges that its not yet easy to see how things are going to come together in the closing two issues of this series, but Im prepared to take him at his word and put some faith in him to provide a conclusion which is well thought-through and satisfying enough to justify the meandering early issues of this mini. Despite a couple of dodgy early issues, this installment is strong enough to encourage me to give Quesada the benefit of the doubt and see what he can come up with by way of a climax for this series. Unfortunately, hes being judged against the high standards of both the core title under Brian Bendis pen and Read Full Review

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