Deadpool Team-Up #894

Writer: Ivan Brandon Artist: Sanford Greene Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 14, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
3.5Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

A DAME TO GET KILLED FOR. When a widow hires Deadpool to avenge her husband and kill The Punisher, Wade Wilson follows a trail that leads him under the city of NY and headfirst into an army of monsters lead by the animated remains of his prey. What he finds is that FrankenCastle is already dead... but that doesn't make him any less deadly. Parental Advisory

  • 5.0
    Comic Vine - Zack Freeman Apr 14, 2010

    I have sympathy for Brandon for doing his best to make Frankencastle interesting. Actually, he does better with him than he does with Deadpool himself. This was a passable one-off romp, or team-up, with some funny parts, but on a whole, you shouldn't feel like you've missed out on too much if you choose not to pick this up. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Apr 16, 2010

    Given that much of the appeal of both Deadpool and FrankenCastle is the big stupid violence that each gets into, the lack of that here is questionable. The joke that the issue ends on should come at the midway point, because what it suggests next would be entertaining to read. This comic, not so much. Read Full Review

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