Fantastic Four #59

Writer: Adam Warren Artist: Keron Grant Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 6
4.0Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

THE INHUMANS BREAK FREE! The FF must stop Doctor Doom from wreaking havoc across the globe, and deal with the destroyed barrier that was imprisoning the Inhumans.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 14, 2002

    This issue wasn't as much fun as the previous two chapters, mostly because it has to spend most of its attentions on wrapping up the crisis it was so busy building up in previous issues, and since Reed is the character who supplies the answer, the ending is a bit anticlimactic. Now the issue still has some clever ideas going for it, as Reed's invention is sure to have Christian scientists trembling with its ability to prove Darwin's Theory of Evolution, and it's put to an rather innovative use in this issue to provide the answer. The ending also does a bit of house cleaning as we see now see Val is the only element that is likely to survive into Mark Waid's run, as Ben loses the ability to turn back into his portly human form. In the end this was a fun, largely inconsequential romp, that made good use of its time, and made the wait for Mark Waid quite bearable. Plus, how can one not love the final words of the evil Things. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Aug 11, 2002

    This multiplies entities far too much. I don't accept this drivel as a story. I don't accept this dreck as a limerick. This offal is merely a nonsensical means to an end. The pathos of Ben Grimm is back but at what cost to the reader's brain? Read Full Review

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