GLA #3

Writer: Dan Slott Artist: Paul Pelletier Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 15, 2005 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 3
8.0Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Sure, we killed a Great Lakes Avenger in #1. And another in #2. But this time it's personal!

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Jun 18, 2005

    Regardless, with the Monkey Joe sigils on every other page corner and a hearty "Zut Alors!" from Batroc Ze Leaper, grossly disappointed science geeks and one seriously humorless, petty villain seeking vengeance as well as death by giant candy canes all rendered in Paul Pelletier's old-school styled artwork that by being more realistic adds to the hilarity, you cannot go wrong. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jun 23, 2005

    First off I have to say that's one of the most disgusting credit pages that I've ever come across, and it's also one of the more innovative, as how can one not love how the vomit is used to spell out the title, while the name credits find their home of the discarded toilet paper. I also have to give the book credit for it's cover image, as Squirrel Girl is given the opportunity to look like a brooding avenger of the night, and she would've pulled it off if not for her buckteeth. As for the rest of the issue how can one not love any visual gag that involves a giant pair of scissors, and the issue also gets the opportunity to deliver a big super-villain moment that's equal parts chilling and downright goofy, as how can one not enjoy the idea that this big important villain has decided this character is worthy of their attention. The final page also does a pretty impressive job of playing up the idea that while this is a team of z-grade characters, the art is still able to convey a real d Read Full Review

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