Hercules: Fall of an Avenger

Hercules: Fall of an Avenger

Publisher: Marvel Comics Release: Mar 2010 - Apr 2010 Issues: 2 Critic Reviews: 7  User Reviews: 2
7.7 Avg. Critic Rating
5.5 Avg. User Rating

When the most beloved Olympian of all time falls, who will mourn him? Acclaimed INCREDIBLE HULK artist Ariel Olivetti joins writers Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente for a two-part mini-epic that marks the end of an era and the beginning of something utterly unexpected for Hercules, the Lion of Olympus. Bring your hankies -- and your golden adamantine maces -- as an all-star cast including Thor, Namor, Namora, Snowbird, Alflyse, Bruce Banner, and of course, Amadeus Cho send off the Son of Zeus with shocking tales, smash-tastic action, bawdy tomfoolery, and heart-rending drama that will change the course of Marvel's marvelous mythological milieu.. more

User Ratings Critic Ratings
Rating Issue Writer Artist Reviews
#2 Greg Pak Ariel Olivetti
#1 Greg Pak Ariel Olivetti

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