While Bruce Jones could've done a better job of arranging the pieces on the board, so that the material didn't feel quite so contrived in its setup, I can't deny the fact that by the end of this issue I found myself fully invested in the story, and eager for the next chapter's arrival. The Hulk & Wolverine always make for an interesting pairing, and while I suspect the child's plight will place their regular throw down on the back burner, I fully expect the problem to be more difficult that one would imagine it being. This opening chapter does a pretty solid job of developing a sense that there is a very real time limit in play, with the last page making it clear that the young boy has very little time left, so with the Hulk & Wolverine acting as his rescuers, one has to be a little concern about their ability to recognize they don't have time to engage in their regular hostilities. It also doesn't hurt that Scott Kolins is on hand to provide the art. Read Full Review
It misses the point of Hulk/Wolverine yet, but I'm pretty intrigued. The art is arguable, but not bad. I hope I'll like the next parts of the story.