Human Torch #5

Writer: Karl Kesel Artist: Scottie Young Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 29, 2003

    I realize that red herrings are part of the game, but I don't like it when it's so apparent that the only reason something was done was to throw the readers off the scent. I mean the whole plot twist involving the fake super-villain never really explains what Johnny was looking to accomplish, as why exactly would this make the slightest impact on the real villain. In fact the only thing this false villain plot thread managed to accomplish was to string out the big reveal until the end of this issue, and given the surprise identity of the real villain is hardly a surprise to anyone who had been paying attention earlier, the fake villain idea feels even more contrived. There's also a bit of obvious backpedalling in this issue as Karl Kesel has Johnny reverse a statement that he made in a previous issue, as the character absorbs the flames of a fire, and then takes the time to say that he said he couldn't absorb fire earlier because it takes considerable effort for him to do so. In any ev Read Full Review

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