I've been given the impression that the Human Torch is currently Marvel's lowest selling title, and as such the fact that this second arc seems to be quite different from the one advertised, leaves me wondering if this title is not going to be with us much longer. If this is the case than this is a bit of a shame, as I rather enjoyed the prospect of a solo title involving a member of the Fantastic Four, even if it involved my least favorite member of the foursome. In any event this is a fairly entertaining story that takes Johnny to a haunted castle, where he encounters a couple rather unusual threats. The inclusion of Johnny's personal assistant was also a smart move as she acts as the voice of reason to Johnny's impulsive nature, and the interaction between the two characters is quite engaging. Plus any story that involves a giant spider is sure to score some points in my book as one of my all time favorite sci-fi films is "The Incredible Shrinking Man". In fact I just watched it wit Read Full Review